International Training on Environmental & Social Safe Guards




DATES: 18th September-1st October 2024



Environmental and social sustainability, including climate change resilience, is fundamental to the achievement of development outcomes and must be systematically mainstreamed into development programs. Environmental and social screening and assessment processes for projects have now become standard practice in development cooperation and are usually required by national regulatory frameworks and multilateral and bilateral donors. There is therefore need to strengthen environmental and social sustainability, including climate resilience. Potential adverse impacts and risks need to be avoided or minimized, and where possible mitigated. Governments need to demonstrate to Development Partners and stakeholders that we have the appropriate safeguard measures in place for managing donor funded projects.

Environmental safeguards training in Africa is crucial for preventing unmerited harm to communities and the environment during development processes. These policies are essential tools that support risk assessment during the initial stages of project identification and design, enabling us to evaluate the positive and negative impacts of any development intervention. During project implementation, safeguards ensure effective risk management and enhance constructive influence. Many countries are adopting safeguards through various investment planning, policies, and regulations aimed at achieving sustainable development.

Objectives of the training

By the end of the training participants should be able to;

  1. Enhance the environmental and social sustainability of a proposed project by analyzing the environmental and social benefits and costs of the project
  2. Identify and manage environmental social risks that could be associated with a proposed project by screening the possible environmental and social costs of an intervention
  3. Apply national and donor environmental and social safeguard policies and standards to enhance sustainability and good outcomes from projects
  4. Review of safeguard documents and other project documents to ensure that environmental issues have been adequately addressed and that the project is in compliance with the Safeguard Policies, particularly those on Environmental Assessment
  5. Identify key environmental issues during implementation, as well as in strengthening implementation support of corporate risk projects
  6. Ensuring that contractors are fully acquainted with international environmental management practices and monitoring each project components to ensure compliance with the environmental safeguards regulation.

What you will learn

Upon successfully completing this intensive Environmental and Social Safeguards Training, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of:

  • Environmental Safeguards’ Role: The significance of environmental safeguards in enhancing investment performance.
  • Assessment Requirements: Procedures and requirements for environmental and social assessments from major international organizations and donors for development projects.
  • Stakeholder Roles: The roles of different stakeholders in implementing environmental and social mitigation measures.
  • Best Practices and Monitoring: Safeguards best practices, effectiveness monitoring, and reporting procedures to ensure sustainable development and compliance with international standards.

Duration & Program

The workshop will be held in 14 days inclusive of field work. The training will be held in Nairobi Kenya from 18th September to 1st October 2024. The venue will be at the Royal Tulip Canaan Hotel, in Hurlingham, Nairobi, Kenya.

Target Participants

This course is designed for Project Managers, Environmental and Social Safeguard Specialists, Government Officials, NGO Representatives, and other professionals involved in planning, designing and managing donors.

Training Modules

Understanding Environmental Safeguards
  • What are Environmental Safeguards
  • Importance of Environmental Safeguards
  • Understanding Environmental Risks and Impacts
  • Steps to apply the Environmental Safeguards
 Understanding Social Safeguards
  • Introduction to Social Safeguards
  • Importance of Social Safeguards
  • Understanding Social Risks and Impacts
  • Understand how the Social Safeguards are applied
 Overview of Major International Frameworks
  • The World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (ESF)
  • World Bank’s Vision for Sustainable Development
  • The World Bank Environmental and Social Policy for Investment Project Financing
  • International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Equator Principles
  • The Paris Agreement and Climate Change Frameworks
  • International Labour Organization (ILO) Standards
  • Regional Environmental and Social Frameworks
 Environmental Safeguards
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Environmental Management Plans (EMP)
  • Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
  • Climate Change and Resource Management
 Social Safeguards
  • Social Impact Assessment (SIA)
  • Resettlement and Rehabilitation
  • Cultural Heritage and Indigenous Peoples
  • Gender and Vulnerable Groups
 Integration and Implementation
  • Integrating Environmental and Social Safeguards
  • Tools and Techniques for Implementation
  • Case Studies
 Monitoring, Evaluation, and Compliance
  • Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Frameworks
  • Compliance and Reporting
  • Conflict Resolution and Grievance Mechanisms
 Case Study:Field Visit

Training Style

The modules will be taught through power point presentations, lectures and will include a case study/field visit, breakout sessions, and other interactive discussion components.

The course will also include a few guest speakers, both in person and via zoom and other online learning platforms for overseas speakers. This provides useful real-world insights alongside the more theoretical aspects of the course.

The teaching faculty shall consist of experienced decision makers, as well as practitioners and representatives from established educational and research institutions active around climate change, engineering and international development. Throughout the course theoretical presentation of concepts will be moderated and more group discussions and plenary engagements will be optimized. Power point presentations will be made by facilitators and resource persons, to highlight key concepts before embarking on group work.

Course Fee

The entire course will be availed at a cost of USD 5000. The training fee covers tuition fees, training materials, lunch, training venue, field trip and certificate.

9. General Notes

  • Training manuals and additional reference materials are provided to the participants.
  • Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be issued with a certificate.
  • We can also do this as tailor-made course to meet organization-wide needs. Contact us to find out more:
  • Payment should be sent to our bank account before start of training and proof of payment sent to:

About ECAS Institute

The ECAS Institute designs and delivers independent and targeted training, research, and consulting services. Our work focusses on climate change and resilience building, carbon markets, renewable energy, nature-based solution, biodiversity conservation, agriculture and food systems, We are located in Nairobi Kenya and work across the African region. We have implemented training and research assignments in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, Somalia, Malawi, Rwanda, Congo, and South Africa. Globally, we have supported our partners from the UK, Denmark, Italy, Sweden, Germany, and USA.




DATES: 18th September-1st October 2024


0800- 0900Opening Remarks
  1. Jacob Olonde, CEO, ECAS Institute
  2. Prof. Shem Wandiga, Chief Guest
ECAS Institute
0900- 1030Pre-Test and Objective SettingECAS Institute
1030 – 1100Health Break 
1100 – 1200Presentations and FeedbackECAS Institute
1300- 1400Lunch Break 
1400 – 16:00Introduction to Environmentalism and Climate Resilient GrowthECAS Institute
0800 – 0900Recap of Day 1 
0900 -1030Understanding Environmental SafeguardsDr Eunice Boruru
1030 – 1100Health Break 
1100 – 1300Understanding Social SafeguardsDr Eunice Boruru
1400 –1500AssignmentDr Eunice Boruru
1500-1600Presentations and departureParticipants
0800 –0900Recap of Day 2 
900 – 1030Overview of International FrameworksDr Wambua Kituku
1030-1100Health Break  
1100 – 1300Overview of National and Regional FrameworksDr Wambua Kituku
1300- 1400Lunch Break 
1400 – 1500AssignmentsDr Wambua Kituku
1500-1600Presentations and FeedbackParticipants
0800 – 0900Recap of Day 3 
0900 -1030Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)Dr Godwin Opinde
1030 – 1100Health Break 
1100 – 1300Environmental Management Plans (EMP)Dr Godwin Opinde
1400 –1500AssignmentDr Godwin Opinde
1500-1600Presentations and departureParticipants
0800 – 0900Recap of Day 4 
0900 -1030Biodiversity and Ecosystem ServicesDr Caroline Ouko
1030 – 1100Health Break 
1100 – 1300Climate Change and Resource ManagementDr Caroline Ouko
1400 –1500AssignmentDr Caroline Ouko
1500-1600Presentations and departureParticipants
0800 –0900Recap of Day 5 
900 – 1030Social Impact Assessment (SIA)Eng. Clifford Siocha
1030-1100Health Break  
1100 – 1300Resettlement and RehabilitationEng. Clifford Siocha
1300- 1400Lunch Break 
1400 – 1500AssignmentsEng. Clifford Siocha
1500-1600Presentations and FeedbackParticipants
0800-0900Recap of Day 6 
0900-1030Cultural Heritage and Indigenous PeoplesDr Eunice Boruru
1030-1100Health Break 
1100-1300Gender and Vulnerable GroupsDr Eunice Boruru
1400 –1500AssignmentDr Eunice Boruru
1500-1600Presentations and departureParticipants
0800-0900Recap of Day 7 
0900-1030Integration and ImplementationEng. Tobias
1030-1100Health Break 
1100-1300Integration and ImplementationEng. Tobias
1400 –1500AssignmentEng. Tobias
1500-1600Presentations and departureParticipants
0800-0900Recap of Day 8 
0900-1030Monitoring and EvaluationMr Brian Obiero
1030-1100Health Break 
1100-1300Monitoring and EvaluationMr Brian Obiero
1300-1400Lunch Break 
1400 –1500AssignmentMr Brian Obiero
1500-1600Presentations and departureParticipants
0800-0900Recap of Day 9 
0900-1030Legal and EnforcementMr John Mukabi
1030-1100Health Break 
1100-1300Legal and EnforcementMr John Mukabi
1300-1400Lunch Break 
1400 –1500AssignmentMr John Mukabi
1500-1600Presentations and departureParticipants
0800-0900Recap of Day 10 
0900-1030Compliance and ReportingAnne Gateru
1030-1100Health Break 
1100-1300Compliance and ReportingAnne Gateru
1300-1400Lunch Break 
1400 –1500AssignmentAnne Gateru
1500-1600Presentations and departureParticipants
0800-0900Recap of Day 11 
0900-1030Conflict Resolution and Grievance MechanismsDr Kariuki Muigua
1030-1100Health Break 
1100-1300Conflict Resolution and Grievance MechanismsDr Kariuki Muigua
1300-1400Lunch Break 
1400 –1500AssignmentDr Kariuki Muigua
1500-1600Presentations and departureParticipants
0800-0900Recap of Day 12 
0900-1600Field WorkInnocent Deckoks
0900-1200Engagement with Field Experts in a Question-and-Answer Season in a Debate FormatJacob Olonde
1200-1300Post-Training EvaluationInnocent Deckoks
1300-1400Lunch Break 
1400 –1600Closing Ceremony, Issue of CertificatesProf. Shem Wandiga
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